Monday, March 28, 2011

Its not wrong, its just not right.

It's been asked innumerable times, and pondered even more. It plagues even the quietest of minds and keeps us guessing for lifetimes. What is my purpose? What am I doing here? I read a friends quote today that asked, " what if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday?" I can only assume she had similar feelings as I. My though was that life would be much simpler.
Everyday we wake up too early and listen to tasteless music as we mindlessly drive to jobs that leave us mostly unfulfilled. We fill our voids with toxic food, useless chatter and heaps and heaps of new things. So many of us work to live. We leave our loves and our families to make money. To buy....more....things. Bigger houses, faster cars, expensive clothes. All for what? What is the point?
I am just as lost in this mess as the next. Is it wrong to want more? Or perhaps its not more that I want; perhaps its less. I want to live with a purpose. With a reason. I want to do things for a reason. I'm working on building the bravery to live authentically. I can only imagine what its like to wake up in the morning and feel that my presence on this planet, in this life, is real. I want to plant my bare feet on the earth and feel her pressing right back. I want to breath in fresh air, full of life and hope. I want to smile because im beaming with fulfillment and happiness. When I close my eyes at night, I want to know that I lived that day to the fullest, and sleep a peaceful sleep knowing that everything is okay. What is my purpose? Why am I here? What the heck am I doing this for?