Thursday, June 19, 2008


I continue to be dissapointed by people's actions, and angry with myself for allowing them to affect me. I can put on a non-caring face really easily and convincingly, but truthfully, I am a big emotional sponge. I take things to heart, I take things personally, I over-analyze, and I cant seem to help it. Part of me wants to just act like an adult and let this crap fly right on by, and the other half half wants to stand up for morals and principles and self respect and chew some ass. I beleive that people act maliciously towards others out of their own pain and anger, and not because they truly want to be assholes. I do think that people intend on hurting others sometimes, but only for the wrong reasons. So, I am trying to just see things from other peoples points of view, but there is a point where you have to lay the smack down in order to protect yourself.

This is just not cutting it for me. I really want to have a big fat bitchfest with all the people acting like a bunch of dicks right now. grr. It is sooo a full moon right now. I feel incredibly irritable and out of whack, as I am sure others are, which is a stupid combination. hmmm, im not really sure what to do with myself right now.

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