Thursday, June 12, 2008

Here goes my diet-exercise plan!

I decided recently, partly because summer clothes really suck, that ive spent plenty enough time being fat. Its really easy to get fat, but its really hard to forget what its like to be skinny. Really hard. I know in my heart that Ill never be content or happy in this life as long as im overweight. Its a really hard thing to talk about with anyone around me because, most people have no idea what im going through, and therefor have an opinion that isnt only unhelpful, but usually just ticks me off. I figured that if I blog about it, then the only people who are really going to read it anyway are the people who care enough to look.

Long story short, I have started a new diet and exercise plan that I am very serious about. As of this past sunday i had already lost 4lbs, after week one. My goal is to consistently lose 2lbs per week for the next 16 weeks. Thats about 35lbs by the end of september. Its totally doable considering I have about 110 to lose total. yikes! Anyway, the more things I do, such as blog, that remind me of my goal, and hold me accountable, the more successfel I beleive I will be.

I have this issue with people telling me what to do. For example, if I decide there is some task or goal I want to achieve and I set out to do it, and then someone else comes along and tells me I should do it, I no longer want to do it. Its like I just cant stand to give people the satisfaction. God I need therapy. Anyway, my point is, that Im in a new place right now where I feel that I can do this all on my own, which is really the only way that I want to do it. OKay, so thats about it. Wishing myself luck!!!! Im going to be a skinny bitch someday soon!!!!

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