Thursday, June 12, 2008

how do you like these apples?

So anyone who knows me well, would know that I feel passionately about certain things. Human and civil rights, equality, marriage, etc etc. I guess you surround yourself with people who are aligned with and accepting of your values and principles. Maybe, I lost sight of reality because I've chosen to surround myself with wonderful, open minded people, who share my views.

So it comes as a surprise to me that in the year 2008, more than 230 years after this countries declaration of independance from religious tyranny, and after building a country based on the framework of freedom and independance for ALL people..........."Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal."-Abe Lincoln............ that there are still people that not only want to deny these basic rights, but want to deny them in the name of religion, and fully believe they are morally and ethically justified in doing so.

Helloooo!!!! Am I the only person that sees this to be a BIG rediculous problem? It not only makes me angry, but sad, really really sad, that there are Americans who defend the betrayal of rights to even ONE person. Its ass backwards! Im so, SOO tired of people calling on religion to back there beliefs. Religion has NO place in this government. I have no problem with anyones religious beliefs and consider myself a deeply spiritual person, but not my, nor anyone elses religion has anything to with the laws in this country! Besides, if your going to pull religion as your backing, then you'd better be sure your applying it to everything. If you beleive abortion is wrong by religious or moral basis, then you should want to save an unborn child thats going to be gay right??? or would you say that makes it a little different? lame. If we shouldnt allow gay people to walk down the street holding hands bc someone might be offended, then we shouldnt allow ugly people to either, bc some people dont want to see them either.

To deny a gay couple the same rights as a straight couple because its wrong, according to the Bible, is assanine. Period. Furthermore, to deny the rights on the basis of morals, would then mean that the government should impose the same regulations to anyone deemed wrong, immoral, or "less than" by any other individual. If that were so......we wouldnt be INDEPENDANT!!!

anyway, my intention here isnt to attack or anger anyone, I just need to blow some steam, otherwise I think I'm going to inleash all my thoughts on the next unsuspecting person who brings this up. Maybe im just hoping there are other people out there that have some compassion, understanding and hope for a better future.

My beliefs do not alienate or discriminate against anyone. What I hope for is the same rights and treatment for everyone. So if Ive offended you, its not because ive been cruel or unfair, its because you should be offended, as well as ashamed and imberressed.

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