Sunday, June 6, 2010

a change is gonna come

I can feel it in the air. Sometimes I get so lost in life, so far from the path, that even breathing feels wrong. But alas, some sacred inner voice, or eternal universal force guides me firmly back to my winding pathway. I celebrate that empowering feeling of the joyous reunion between my body and my soul! If only there were a way to really take it all in. To breath in the beauty of the world around me. To bathe in the contentment of love and shut everything else out, just for a minute. It's grasping for those tiny moments that guides me. What a spectacular journey this is that we are on! My heart know that change is coming close. Whatever it is that makes up our true essence knows. Its not our body, not our bones or our eyes; its something so much deeper, so much truer. All I can say I think I know for certain is that I've arrived at a place where I just know that I have to follow my heart and passions to get to the next place. I want to sing, and laugh; and I want to wiggle my toes in the sand. I want to do all the things that make me happy and set "me" free........and I'm going to!

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