Tuesday, February 21, 2012

My "Life Diet"

I started my "life diet" on December 10, so it's been almost 10 weeks now.  I call it my "life diet" because after many failed attempts at fad diets, I've learned for myself that they don't work  I wanted to take control of my life and everything in it so I started with the physical me. 

Here's what I've done:
1. maintain a 1200-1500 calorie/day diet
2. 5-7 days/week of exercise (at least 30 min moderate-intense cardio and 30 min weight/resistance)
3. cut out all soda including diet soda waters
4. 2 days/week vegetarian diet(because I would like to eat vegetarian for my own reasons).
5.  aim for at least 75%of food to be natural (no preservatives, refined sugars, sat fats, etc.)
6. I've tried...and failed...several times, to cut out alcohol.  I'll keep trying.

My goals for 2012:
1. Hit the "wonder-club" by May 4th, 2012
2. Lose at least 50lbs this year
3. Run a 5k
4. Do an unassisted pull-up(never done that in my life)
5. run a 10 min mile

The results so far:
1. I've lost 23lbs so far, only 16 to go for my May goal
2. I ran my 1st 5k last weekend and hit my goal time!
3. I ran a 12 min mile this morning....im getting there
4. overall lost 36lbs total!!!
5. dropped 4 pants sizes

 before                                                                                                    after

1 comment:

Amber said...

Shan... I know I said it on FB, but you seriously look amazing! Such great changes, and you deserve this!